Squirrels are our newest and youngest members of the Scout Group, with young people aged 4 to 6 years old
As this is a new section, photos of what we get up to will follow shortly!
Right now, we are busy making cornflake cakes and mini scarecrows as well as playing games
and learning our new Squirrels song!
Meeting Times and Contact Details
We meet every Thursday 16:30 - 17:30
Squirrel Section Leader: Leanne Strotten (Nutkin) squirrels@3rd5thlancingseascouts.org.uk

The Squirrel Scout Promise
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love our world
Uniform Requirements
and Purchase Options
All Squirrels wear the red Squirrels sweatshirt
and our Group scarf.
Uniform can be purchased via the scout website: https://shop.scouts.org.uk/uniforms
Alternativley head to First4Uniform in Lancing where you can try the uniform on before you buy!

Squirrels Badge Positions
Take a look at where to put your badges
using this handy diagram
NOTE: Best to view this via a desktop device