The Cub Pack is the third section of the Scout Group following on from Squirrels and Beavers. Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10 ½. There are loads of fun things that you can do as a Cub Scout. You will get a chance to try lots of different activities like swimming, music, exploring, computing and collecting. If you do them properly you will get a badge which you can wear on your uniform. Cub Scouts also get to go on trips and days out. Being part of a Sea Scout Group we also do water activites. And of course being Cubs we LOVE camping with the rest of your pack. This will mean you sleeping in a tent and doing loads of outdoor activities.
Meeting Times and Contact Details
We meet every Tuesday 18:30 - 20:00
Cub Section Leader: Jo Barnes (Akela) cubs@3rd5thlancingseascouts.org.uk

The Cub Scout Promise
I promise that I will do my best
To uphold our Scout values
To do my duty to The King
To help other people
And to keep the Cub Scout Law
The Cub Scout Law
Cub Scouts always do their best,
think of others before themselves,
and do a good turn every day

Uniform Requirements
and Purchase Options
All Cubs wear the green Cub sweatshirt
and the Group scarf.
Uniform can be purchased via the scout website: https://shop.scouts.org.uk/uniforms
Alternativley head to First4Uniform in Lancing where you can try the uniform on before you buy!
Cub Badge Positions
Take a look at where to put your badges
using this handy diagram
NOTE: Best to view this via a desktop device